Walk Our Talk! A Campaign Against SGBV in Nigerian Universities

The Human Rights Clinic University of Nigeria  situate in the Faculty of Law in Collaboration with Amnesty International Nigeria and Denmark and Civil Society in Development Denmark is set to have a 2-day program, geared  towards spreading awareness about Sexual and Gender Based Violence in the University Community from July 16th- 17th, 2021.
The Events primarily include:
1. A Walk around the University Community, Tagged "Walk Our Talk! A Campaign Against SGBV in Nigerian Universities"
2. A Symposium Tagged "Breaking The Silence Culture: A Campaign Against SGBV in Nigerian Universities"
The Speakers of this event will be announced shortly.
These events are open events for the University Community, attendees and volunteers for the walk however would be allowed entrance and participation upon registration. This is to enable us adequately provide for them.

A bonus event takes place on the 14th of July- A Docu-fiction screening by Anmesty International on Death Penalty.

See you there!