On behalf of the Dean, Faculty of Law, the Examination Committee congratulates all our students that made it to this examination. We acknowledge that it has been a challenging year for everyone and therefore commend your resilience. In view of the impending examinations, we call on all Law students to note the following directives and comply accordingly:
1) All the students wishing to write the examination must have completed their course registration on the scheduled dates. No student will be admitted into the examination without presenting evidence of completing the course registration for the semester
2) Students will be required to present proof of payment of school fees, development levy, LAWSA dues and any other required payment. No student will be allowed into the hall without these receipts.
3) All students must come to the examination properly dressed. A compliance drive may be conducted during the examination to whisk out students who entered the hall with improper dressing.
4) All students must come to examination with facemasks.
5) All phones and gadgets should be kept outside the examination halls. It does not matter if the phone is switched off. Possession of a phone or any electronic gadget inside the examination hall is an offensive conduct.
6) All students must assemble before their respective examination halls 20 minutes before the time for examination. Any student, who does not answer his /her name when called in will be appropriately sanctioned.
7) All the extant rules relating to the conduct of examinations remain in place. Students are reminded that the Faculty has zero tolerance for examination malpractice.
8) Finally, breaching these rules will lead to disqualification from writing the examination and other sanctions that may follow.
We pray that God will cause you to excel!
Ikechukwu Chime
Chairman, Faculty Examination Committee.
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