Introducing the Intellectual Property Law Club UNN

Introducing the Intellectual Property Law Club, University of Nigeria, Nsukka.💃💃💃

After so much time on the drawing board we are pleased to announce the formation of an Intellectual Property Law Club for students of the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. Formed with the principal aim of providing a platform where students of UNN can learn about legal issues surrounding intangible assets such as designs, inventions, copyright, trademarks and so on, the Club is poised to help students understand IP through the eyes of information technology. 

Big thanks to the Dean of Law Faculty, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Dr. NWATU SAMUEL for driving this formation. Our immense gratitude goes to the Club's Staff Adviser, Nkem Itanyi for her support through out the formation process, and to Christian Aniukwu for his support. Personally, I wish to thank Unique Oliver and Oluwabusola Ayeni for coming through when I reached out. Thank you! 

Big shout out to Precious Fred, Co- founder extraordinairee!

Please join in if you are a student of the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. Reach out to me or to Precious Fred. Our first meeting is scheduled for 21st of May! Don't miss it! 😊

Abasi-Akara Edet, Chantelle Chiwetalu, Chibuzor Ndubisi, Chisom, Joshua, #ip #intellectualproperty #students