Dr. Joycelin Eze-Okubuiro presents a paper titled "Non-western pedagogy: A Global South Contribution to the Understanding of International Law"
Education is an important instrument that could play a dual role in sustaining and dislodging hegemonic practices. While there is tendency for western education to encourage implantation and sustenance of hegemonic practices in international law, critical/alternative non-western pedagogy plays vital roles in redressing suppressive traditional approaches in international law. Such critical pedagogy is essential in mitigating adverse colonialistic reproduction of hierarchies that privilege the global north over the global south. In this regard, this paper argues that critical pedagogy that is ‘indigenously formulated’ imparts positively on Nigeria, Africa and other diverse actors of the global south in international law. Such paradigm shift not only critiques, but also provides alternative patterns and ideologies in the educational process and the understanding of the formation and practice of international law. This is crucial for effective participatory roles of the global south in international law-making and urgently needed in the protection of their interests in the international system.
Dr Joycelin Chinwe Eze-Okubuiro is a law lecturer at the University of Nigeria.
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